Distribution Lists

A Distribution List is a list of email addresses to whom a communication should be sent.

In order to email reports based on the status of a process, as well we sql reports, we must first setup distribution lists. A distribution list is always evaluated at run time, which means that if someone changes their email address in the system that it will immediately take effect.

When setting up a distribution list there are only a few things that are needed. The first is a unique name so that you can identify the distribution list. The other is a list of emails.

When choosing email entries for a distribution list. You simply need to select a type of user; TBS User, Customer, Agent, or Custom. Once you select one, and start typing, a list will appear. The text you enter is searching the TBS database for matches based on your email type selection. Depending on the type of email, different items will be searched, and different results will be displayed. We will break down into these below:

TBS User - When searching, we match on UserID, UserName, and Email Address. The TBS User only has one email address, so we only return one result per user matched.

Customer - When searching, we match on the three types of contacts on a customer, the Main Contact, Alt Contact, and Billing Email. The Main and Alt Contacts are searched against Account Number, Contact Name, or Contact Email. The Billing Email contact is searched against Account Number, BillTo Location Contact Name, and BillingEmail. Due to the complexity of this search, we only return 100 result of each type of contact. If your result is not displayed, keep typing.

Agent - When searching agents, we match on AgentID, AgentName, AgentEmail, TTEmail, and OrderEmail. The results will display which email is displayed.

Custom - A custom email is where you can type in an email that is not attached to any entity in TBS.


Users need access to the Scheduler module in order to maintain Distribution Lists.